X Recognition

?Guess Who?
Achievement comes in many forms and ages.  Imagine a LNHS freshman on the track team breaking school records, and as a result being considered for promotion to varsity.  With good form and determination, he throws the shot put 39 feet, besting the current school record of 36.  Plus hurling the discus 121 feet, exceeding the current mark of 120.  Way to go!
?Guess Who?
Practice makes perfect.  Is that really true?  Apparently for a Wise Guy.  LNHS junior football camp saw a star running back score 10 touchdowns during scrimmage.  Are we looking forward to this fall?  Yeah!
Missouri Football Champions
Yippee!  Yea!  Wow!  The offense and defense were ready.  Jivy wore out 3 quarterbacks.  Bleu set a new state record of 52 yards for a field goal.  Tillman was spot on, as usual.  Sorry CBC...no three-peat.  Congratulations to all!

A positive mindset brings positive things...